Tagged: ESOL football lessons
Level: Any
Age: Primary – Teens
Target language: Any
Time: 10 minutes +
Preparation: Prepare revision questions

ESOL football lessons


1: Draw a football pitch on the board. In different colours, draw eight players (two goalkeepers and six outfield players spaced irregularly in two rows between the goals). It is useful to have a board magnet or other object that can be attached or moved in order to represent the ball.

2: Assign two teams and invite teams to come up with their team names.

3: Toss a coin so as to decide which team starts with possession.

4: Start from the first team’s goalkeeper. Ask the team up to four questions of increasing difficulty. If the team are correct, move the ball to the next player on the way to the opponents’ goal. If the team are wrong, move the ball to the nearest opposition player and begin questioning the other team.

5: When the ball gets to a teams’ striker, the team in possession should answer a hard question to take the shot. The opposition then also get a hard question, which will allow them to save the ball (and take possession) if they get it right.

6: After a goal is scored or if the shot is missed or the goalkeeper saves it, give the ball to the opposition keeper and begin again with easier questions.

7: The team with the most goals at the end of the match is the winner.

T: My father’s brother is my…?
Team 1: Uncle
T: Okay, this next question is to shoot at goal. My brother’s son is my…?
Team 1: Nephew
T: Right, so team two, to stop the goal. My sister’s husband is my…?
Team 2: Stepbrother
T: Sorry, that’s incorrect. One nil to team one.


You could try this with other team sports if football is not a popular sport in your students’ country.

Example boardwork:


Draw a similar pitch on the board, with players in similar positions. Grass optional!

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photo credit: Jamie Smed Alex Morgan via photopin (license)

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