reflective journals

CPD: Reflective Journals

For more professional development articles, click here. Reflective Journals Reflection is an integral part of making improvement at anything. In order to become better at anything, we need to be able to learn from both our successes and our failures. A reflective journal is a useful tool to focus our attention Read more…

peer observation

CPD: Peer Observations

Peer Observation Peer observation can be a great way to develop your teaching practice. Many schools arrange for new employees to do this in their induction week, although they can be beneficial throughout your teaching career. In this guide we look at the benefits of peer observation and how to Read more…


CPD: Webinars

Webinars Webinars are a very easy way to receive professional development training from anywhere. Many of these, especially from publishers, are free. Of course, a free webinar is generally a pitch for a new course book or some other teaching related product, but that is not to say that there Read more…

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