Alex Walls ELT

Hello, welcome to my website. Whether you are a student or a teacher of English, I hope you will find something useful here.

I have been in teaching since I completed my CELTA in 2012, and I also hold the Delta and CELTA YL extension. Nowadays, I am the Director of Studies and a certified CELTA trainer since 2021. I have also been a member of the IATEFL LAMSIG committee.

Before getting involved in teaching (despite being only 26 at that time) I had a varied career, having held various posts in law, youth work and the voluntary sector. My bachelor’s degree is in law and I completed the UK’s Legal Practice Course (the qualifying course for solicitors in the UK). Naturally, I use this knowledge when I teach legal English courses.

I have presented at a number of conferences including at IATEFL 2021 as the recipient of the LAMSIG scholarship.

If you would like to get in touch, please use the form below. I will endeavour to get back to you within a few days.


Alex Walls

alex walls elt


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