English for Teens

Secure their future

Over the past few decades, English has firmly become established as the language that everyone needs to know. It is the language of business, education, science and trade.

It is evident therefore, that any teenager without a good level of English is going to be left behind. An ability to use English will be as important in your child’s adult life as using a computer.

Giving your child the motivation to succeed

Teenagers have a lot of advantages when it comes to learning English. Their minds are still young and quick to adapt to new learning challenges, though they are old enough to use reason and logic and understand their thought processes.

Unfortunately, the way English is often taught in schools isn’t very motivating. Teachers are often restricted to a syllabus in which they have to teach students to pass an exam. However, the exam rarely has any resemblence to real life use of English. Thus English becomes just another subject like history or maths, with a lot to remember and regurgitate.

Studying with me, your teenager will not memorise useless grammar rules and lists of words. They will learn to use English in realistic scenarios that show them the real value of knowing a second language. What could be more motivating than that?

Study with me

I am a native English speaker from the UK with over a decade of experience of teaching students including teenagers. I hold a Cambridge Delta and train teachers.

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One lesson (60 minutes) (£24 per hour)

Five lessons (5 x 60 minutes) (£22 per hour)

Ten lessons (10 x 60 minutes) (£20 per hour)

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If you’re still not sure, feel free to contact me using the form below and let me know what you want to work on in lessons.

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