Activity: Wheel of Fortune
For more ESL games and activities, click here. Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune was originally an American TV game show first aired in 1975. The show has proven to be incredibly popular with over 7,000 episodes filmed to date and more than 60 international adaptations being made. The game Read more…
Activity: Sentence Auction
For more ESL games and activities, click here. Sentence Auction A sentence auction (or grammar auction) is a fun way to review grammatical (or lexical) structures. The main phase of the game is an auction in which students attempt to buy the correct sentences for the lowest price while avoiding Read more…
Activity: Find Someone Who…
For more ESL games and activities, click here. Find Someone Who… Find Someone Who is a simple activity which can be used as a getting to know you game, a lead-in into a lesson or a controlled practice activity. As a GKTY activity, find someone who is often referred to Read more…